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Terms & Conditions

If you book a private session for the Sauna and you have 5 other guests joining you for that session, then it is your responsibility to make sure all of your group have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of our sauna, this will ensure you all have a safe and enjoyable sauna experience.

Anybody wishing to use the sauna do so at their own risk.

Risks include burns, body injury and death. If you are not sure or have doubts about using the sauna due to other health conditions you may have, then you should consult your GP before committing to any sessions with us.

Examples of some of these conditions are below:

  • Low or high blood pressure
  • You are currently on prescription medication
  • Have you had heart/ cardiovascular problems
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Allergies
  • Pregnant
  • Nervous system disorder

If you like a cold plunge after your sauna you do so at your own risk, this includes the following:

  • Cold shower
  • A swim in the sea/sea pools
  • A plunge barrel
  • Using the sea water buckets

If you intend to use the sea as your cold exposure, please make sure you have checked the tides and if the pools are covered that you are a confident open water swimmer before entering the water and that your body is able to withstand cold water exposure.

When your arrive for your sauna session we have a small changing area at the entrance to the sauna, this is your space to change and also store your belongings during your session, please be aware this is done at your own risk. Please bring minimal belongings as our change room is very small. Hot Haus accepts no responsibility or liability for lost, stolen or missing possessions.

We advise all jewellery and metal fastening are removed before your session as it gets super-hot in there and these items when heated can burn.

If your are a contact lenses wearer please be advised that they can dry out in the heat, therefore lenses and glasses should be removed to avoid any damage.

No alcohol is permitted in the sauna.

Anybody who arrives for their session intoxicated, or we feel is a health and safety risk will be refused entry in to the sauna.

Hot Haus reserves the right to refuse entry, cancel or cut short your sauna session if you or any of your party members are considered a safety risk. Refunds will not be given if you are refused admission.

I agree to pay for any damage I may cause to the sauna or property belonging to the owner

I agree to use the sauna of my own free will and I am fully aware this waiver is entirely voluntary.




The following etiquette must be followed at all times:

Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the sauna.

Swimwear must be worn at all time, nudity is not permitted.

Please wash your feet before entering the sauna, there is a bucket provided.

15 minute’s is the recommended max period you should spend at any one time in the sauna before taking a break. If you feel faint or dizzy or generally uncomfortable before this time please step out with care and move slowly to exit. The sauna floor can become slippery so please be aware of this and give the other sauna users space to move if necessary .

If you wish to add more heat to sauna please use the ladle provided. There will be instructions on how to do this safely.

You can only use sauna water provided in a bucket inside the sauna to add water to the hot rocks and nothing else. The water must be ladled gently with your arms away from the stove as hot steam (loyly) will be created and temperature will increase, therefore please make sure everyone is in agreement before doing so and that they are all seated. This does not need to done very often.

DO NOT touch or open the stove door, only trained staff are permitted to do so.

Towels are for sitting on to prevent sweat from getting on the benches, please do not hang or drape towels or clothing to dry anywhere in the sauna as this may cause a fire.


We recommend drinking plenty of water after your sauna session to avoid getting dehydrated , please make sure you have some with you. Do not eat right before your sauna session as this could make you feel sick.

You will need a clean towel to sit on in the sauna session, this prevents sweat and body oil from getting on the wooden benches.

Body lotions, creams and scrubs are not allowed in the sauna.

You need to look after your hair if you sauna regularly, the intense heat can dry it out and make it brittle, therefore making it susceptible to break off. We have sauna hats in store to purchase or you could just use a towel.

When your sauna session is over please take it easy, its recommended to rest for at least ten minutes to give your body time to adjust and cool down and your heart rate to slow.

If your intend on using the changing area please bare this in mind when booking your slot and arrive earlier to your session so your ready to sauna. Please get changed within your allocated time slot to free up the changing area for the next session.





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Our privacy policy can be updated from time to time, we will of course update our website with any changes as and when they occur.

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